If you’re thinking about adding a treadmill to your home gym, but the monotony of running in place is frightening, we’ve got good news for you. This week we’ve highlighted three simple workouts that you can do on your treadmill to break up long distance runs.

But like with all workouts, please consult your primary physician before you start a new exercise routine.


At a slow pace on a motorized treadmill or manual treadmill, you can perform this exercise. Repeating this motion can help you condition your glutes, hips, and quadriceps. You’ll also see benefit in your calf muscles and abdominals, which both help you to stabilize the action. Performing lunges will also aid you with your running stamina.

If you feel unstable performing walking lunges, use the treadmill support arms until you become strong enough to perform them without assistance. It is also advised that when treadmill walking lunges are performed, the speed shouldn’t be greater than one mile per hour.


With a manual treadmill like the EFITMENT T016 you can perform high-intensity treadmill climbing against a steep incline and magnetic resistance. The added resistance will help you increase the intensity of your workout without the need to increase your walking, jogging, or running speed to an uncomfortable pace. The added resistance will also enable muscles in your hips, thighs, and calves to achieve a high resistance workout. This can increase your strength and endurance in those parts of your body.

f you want to run, but running in place doesn’t sound entertaining, then consider mixing up with speed and incline by performing HIIT workouts (at a comfortable and challenging pace). Hold a fast pace for 30 seconds to a minute. Then follow it with low-intensity exercise for one to two minutes. HIIT helps builds stamina, cardiovascular strength, and brings a little excitement to an otherwise repetitive exercise routine.

And it burns a substantial number of calories.

Starting a treadmill training program is a great way for beginner and experienced exercisers to reap the benefits of an active lifestyle in the comfort of their own home. Treadmills can take you from a steady walk to an all-out sprint in the same workout, making them a great tool to see continued fitness improvement throughout your lifespan.


Check out these high performing treadmills that can help you reach your goals.